What Foods Have Vitamin C

What Foods Have Vitamin C
What foods have vitamin C is a question of interest to most people? During this time if asked what fruit contains vitamin C, which became our first answer is citrus fruits. In fact, oranges are not the fruit with the highest vitamin C content. Yes, it turns out that the fruit contains vitamin C is the highest fruit of the guava. The content of vitamin C in guava was on 206 mg, higher compared to citrus fruits containing vitamin C of 59-83 mg per one fruit. Now you already know foods have vitamin C.

What Foods Have Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the nutrients that are very beneficial to the body. Vitamin C can prevent the arrival of influenza and fever, blood cells regenerate, as well as strengthen the immune or immune system. In addition, recent research also shows if the vitamin C can improve brain function, accelerate wound healing, and neutralize free radicals in the body.

The amount of the recommended intake of vitamin C is 90 mg per day for men and 75 mg for women. The intake can be obtained from a variety of fruits and vegetables. Well, here are the variety of vegetables and fruit containing vitamin C levels.
  1. Guava - Guava is a fruit which contains vitamin C. As has been mentioned above, the guava contains more than 200 mg of the vitamin in fruit, more than one vitamin C owned by Orange. In addition to vitamin C, guava also contains lots of fiber. The content of fibers in guava also exceeds the fiber that is owned by Orange. You are recommended to meet the needs of 25 grams of fiber (for women) to 38 grams (for men) in a day.
  2. Papaya - Half papaya fruit contains approximately 94 mg of vitamin c. This amount is slightly higher than the content of vitamin C in citrus fruits. Based on research, consumption of papaya fruit can help brighten the skin and strengthen your bones. This could happen because of its high content of vitamin C in the fruit of the papaya. In addition to vitamin C, the fruit of the papaya is also rich in fiber, vitamin A, vitamin B complex (such as folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B2, vitamin B1), potassium, and calcium. Because of this, the ingredient is certainly benefiting papaya body, such as to facilitate digestion (fiber), maintain the health of the skin and eyes (vitamin A), helps the metabolism of the body (vitamin B complex), and control of blood pressure (potassium).
  3. Kiwifruit - Kiwifruit contains vitamin C as 84 grams per one piece. The content of vitamin C in the kiwifruit is also higher compared to the content of vitamin C in oranges. The content of antioxidants from vitamin C to its height makes kiwifruit may help the body fight infection and free radicals in the body. Kiwifruit also contains vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin k. Whereas, minerals contained in the kiwifruit is potassium, manganese, iron, and magnesium. In addition, kiwi fruit as well as a source of food that is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, where omega 3 can help you lower the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  4. Red Pepper - The chili has a nutty taste turned out to save the high vitamin C. Researchers from the University of Buffalo found that capsaicin, the component that makes the spicy Chili can relieve pain and inflammation in the muscle.
  5. Bell Peppers - Still a family of Chili, peppers also has a high vitamin C content, especially red and green peppers. In a paprika can contains 190 mg of vitamin C, and are rich in vitamin A is good for eye health.
  6. Broccoli - Vegetables are rich in folate and good for the diet and pregnant women also have proved to be higher in vitamin C than oranges. In fact, many studies say that avidly eating broccoli could prevent cancer.
  7. Strawberry - Sour taste Strawberry indicates the multiplicity in vitamin c. Strawberry is very good as a snack person diabetic and very good at fulfilling the vitamin A for healthy eyes and others.
  8. Pineapple - Pineapple Sweet Sour also got higher in vitamin C than oranges. Besides being rich in fiber, the pineapple enzyme bromelain also contains that helps break down food and reduce bloating.
  9. Mango - The sweet mango fruit turned out to have more vitamin C than oranges. Besides being rich in vitamin A, the mango is also very good keeping immune due to an antioxidant-rich form of vitamin C.
  10. Melon - Likening the family citrus, the melon family is also known as the fruits that contain vitamin C which is quite a lot. One glass of melon juice has vitamin C as much as 67 mg, plus vitamins A and also potassium. The same also applies to watermelons that are able to fulfill the needs of vitamin C daily in one of his men.
Well, that's the range of fruit and vegetables also has plenty of vitamin c. With routinely consume a variety of fruits and vegetables, nutritional requirements you will also always be fulfilled every day.

That's some kind of fruits that contain more vitamin C than oranges. So, next time if it is to meet the needs of vitamin C, don't just fixated on orange. You can consume natural foods on top to get more vitamins. Hopefully, the article about What Foods Have Vitamin C can be beneficial to you, thank you.

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