What Causes Vitamin D Deficiency

What Causes Vitamin D Deficiency
What causes vitamin D deficiency and how to cope with vitamin D deficiency so that the body is always healthy and fit. In some developing countries are still prevalent cases of malnutrition as well as vitamins. Different from developing countries where more overdose due to food supplements or vitamin a intake. There are many factors that affect a person could suffer a deficiency or vitamin D deficiency. One of the causes most frequently we encounter are pregnant women who do not consume proper nutrition resulted in her baby born there was the time a deficiency of vitamin d. This is the genetic factors. Inadequate intake in pregnant women and nursing mothers are becoming the main factors that led to the baby does not get the vitamin D properly. There is still much that we can discuss this in the article about the causes of vitamin D deficiency.

What Causes Vitamin D Deficiency

Unlike some other types of vitamins, vitamin D cannot be produced by the body. Source of vitamin D is sunlight. When you play outdoors, then that time anyway you will receive vitamin D from the Sun. But, if you rarely play outside or not exposed to sunlight at all, then your body may lack vitamin d. In fact, vitamin D deficiency can cause a variety of serious health disorders.

Vitamin D is a vitamin that is needed by the body that helps the process of contributing to the absorption of calcium from food. In other words, the intake of vitamin D for good bone health. Therefore, it is important to ensure that your body is not a deficiency of vitamin D.

Genetic Factors

Genetic factors became a discussion is the color of the skin that causes vitamin D can be produced naturally in the body. Known genetic factors turned out to be people who are fair skinned more easily generate vitamin D through sunlight. So with adequate vitamin D will help optimize the formation of bones and teeth when activity in the Sun. Unlike the people who are dark-skinned. Because of the genetic factors that cause darkening of the skin, it will be difficult to process sunlight can turn provitamin D in the body. This case occurred in European countries form the bones of the body of the person there is bigger and stronger than the Africans who lack vitamin d. It is increasingly supported by his daily vitamin D intake.

Inadequate Intake

Needs of vitamin D per day how the hell? It certainly varies with the age of consumption are grouped. For ages 0-1 years is 400 IU per day of either women or men. For ages 1-13 years is 600 IU per day either women or men. For ages 14-70 years is 600 IU per day both women as well as men. As for the age above 70 years old should consume the equivalent of 800 IU per day. Thus an inadequate intake of vitamin D from either vegetable or animal body would cause a vitamin D deficiency.

The Lack of Sun Exposure

The case of white skinned people above naturally when exposed to sufficient sunlight exposure in the growing important role. Different from those not exposed to the sunlight, even though genetically have a vitamin D level. For that is why toddlers, especially that has been more than 3 years should be exposed to sunlight in her every day in addition to the nutritional intake of vitamin D is given. So accompany children play at least 10 to 30 minutes under the rays of the morning sun is quite useful. But lifestyle changes caused many parents afraid son exposed to the Sun, the reason for fear the son of darkened skin.

Disorders That Limit its Absorption

Disorders that could be happening because of the attitude and habits. The large number of cases of vitamin D deficiency caused by the consumption of vitamin D is lacking. While genetic factors are the presence of small cases of the disorder that limits the absorption of vitamin D in the body. Not to mention the disruption that is intentionally given as a grant of sunscreen to the skin also affects the absorption of UV light and synthesis of vitamin d. Many more distractions like the seasons, climate, geographic latitude can also be a nuisance which limits absorption. While the disruption of the body, such as heart or kidney disease, pancreatic enzyme deficiency, Crohn's disease, cystic fibrosis and celiac disease.

Body Characteristics Such as Skin Color And Body Fat

Skin color is very obvious because white skin more easily absorbs sunlight and make it easier to get more vitamin D than a dark skin tone. But whether body fat also be because of vitamin D deficiency? Yes, the obesity disease also results in a person's vitamin D deficiency as it takes on the body three times its normal. It even affects the daily consumption of excess fats resulting in vitamin stored in fat and can not be processed for the needs of the body in the binding of calcium to the body.

Drug Side Effects

Side effects of the drugs can also lead to vitamin D deficiency.  Due to excessive drug use resulted in adverse effects on sufferers. So the sufferer experiencing ill-posed by the excess medication. The pain causes the body isn't able to produce vitamin D normally either because of difficulties ingestion as well as lack of exposure to sunlight. Side effects of the drug also cause a lot of the wrong diagnoses so that vitamin D is often overlooked in the treatment again.

Use Sunscreen

Sunscreen also causes vitamin D deficiency gradually. Because many users are more afraid of women exposed to sunlight because sunlight can make the skin look darker. When exposed to sunlight 15 minutes is enough to activate vitamin D stored in the body. The use of vitamin D from Sunscreen SPF > 8 may result in a decrease in vitamin D3 from the body as much as 95%. To prevent the occurrence of deficiency of vitamin D in the body, the use of sunscreen is not allowed per day. Provide special days such as weekends, Saturday and Sunday for the body are exposed to direct sunlight without sunscreen in order for the production of vitamin D remain in the body.

In essence, vitamin D deficiency can be prevented through the fulfillment of the nutrition of foods every day. But if these measures prove insufficient, still not immediately consult the doctor to determine the dose, schedule a proper examination, in accordance with the condition, age, and severity posed due to vitamin D deficiency. I hope the article about What causes vitamin D deficiency that you read can be useful and can make your body healthy always. Thank you.

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