What Does Vitamin D Do For Your Body

What Does Vitamin D Do For Your Body

What Does Vitamin D Do For Your Body - There are many questions about vitamin D one what does vitamin d do for your body? Vitamin D is one type of fat-soluble vitamins and includes vitamin D1, D2, and D3. This vitamin may affect as many as 2000 genes in your body. But what happens if the vitamin D in your body is low or deficiency of vitamin d. What exactly the benefits and side effects as well as a source of vitamin D in your body. If you're curious to know about Vitamin D, please read the following article.

What Does Vitamin D Do For Your Body

Vitamin D is important for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin D is one of the essential elements for the growth and development of bones and teeth. Besides maintaining healthy muscles, making the immune system works normally, as well as making the body resistant to certain diseases.

But, if our body to vitamin D deficiency will have an impact is bad for the body. Ranging from the immune system is compromised, the content of phosphorus and calcium in the body so reduced. These disorders can increase the risk of hearing loss, arthritis disease, rheumatoid or commonly called chronic arthritis, and osteoporosis.

If you've been affected by osteoporosis can lead to bone density and strength we are diminished or lost. The bones become weak, thinning, pain or pain and could lead to vulnerability to fractures when a fall or bump hard objects. Even more severe osteoporosis sufferers when coughing or sneezing can make a rib fracture or injury to one of the spine.

But fortunately, the bone disease can be avoided by getting the intake from sunlight contains vitamin D and coupled with sufficient calcium. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), exposed to the Sun for 5-15 minutes during 2-3 times a week has made the body able to store vitamin D in a high amount. But, the Sun is not advised at 10.00 am to 16.00 o'clock in the afternoon. Because at that hour, our skin would burn more vulnerable.

When the Sun, it is recommended to not use sunscreen or clothing which closed the face, arms, and hands. The intent is so that sunlight can penetrate the skin and enter the production of vitamin D can be made. But if you want to be exposed to sunlight for more than 15 minutes, you can be applying sunscreen to the skin. In addition, it can also, with protective cap and wearing a long sleeve shirt. Here are some of the benefits of what Vitamin D do for your body so that the body remains healthy and fit.

Increase The Strength Of The Bone - Vitamin D is essential for maintaining bone strength ranging from baby to adulthood to old age. One function of Vitamin D is assisting the process of absorption of calcium in food. For the elderly, vitamin D and calcium help prevent bones become brittle and even broken. Children need vitamin D to form strong bones and prevent the occurrence of bone development disorder that causes the bones to become soft and weak and suffered deformities. 

Lowering The Risk Of The Occurrence Of Multiple Sclerosis - Multiple sclerosis is more common in countries far from the equator. For years, experts suspect the existence of a relationship between sunlight, vitamin D levels, and autoimmune disorders that damage the nerves. A study found a connection between a rare genetic disorder that causes the body to have low vitamin D levels with an increased risk of multiple sclerosis. However, still required further research to ascertain whether vitamin D can be used to prevent or treat multiple sclerosis.

Help Lose Weight - Various studies have found that people who are obese often have low vitamin D levels. Fat makes vitamin D caught up in it so that it cannot be used by other parts of the body. The experts still have not found what is the obesity that causes low levels of vitamin D or the opposite. However, other research found that by adding vitamin D to a low-calorie diet can help people with excess weight who have low vitamin D levels to lose weight.

Reduce The Symptoms Of Depression - In addition to his role in maintaining the strength of your bones, vitamin D plays a role in any development and function of your brain. A study found that giving high doses of vitamin D can reduce symptoms of mild depression. Although there are numerous other studies that have different results. Consult with your doctor before consuming vitamin D.

Lowers The Risk Of Colon Cancer - A study conducted recently shows that people with vitamin D levels are quite high in the blood may have a risk of colon cancer.

Vitamin D and Heart Disease - Low vitamin D levels in the blood can increase the risk of the occurrence of heart attacks, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases. However, experts still do not know whether increasing vitamin D levels can lower the risk of heart disease and how many doses of the vitamin D it needs. Keep in mind that vitamin D levels were very high in the blood, thus may harm blood vessels and heart as it causes increased levels of calcium in the bloodstream.

Vitamin D and Memory Disorders - Elderly people often have vitamin D levels are very low in the blood. The researchers found that elderly people who experience a lack of vitamin D have worse results on the examination of the memory, the ability to focus attention, and analysis capabilities compared to the aged who have levels of enough vitamin D in the blood. However, further research is still required as to whether the grant of a supplement of vitamin D really can prevent the onset of dementia (impaired memory) or slow the decline in mental function.

If you are unsure though, has been exposed to the Sun, do the diet with foods rich in vitamin D, such as egg yolks, fish liver oil, oily fish (salmon, mackerel) and vitamin D fortified milk. Hopefully the article this time on What Does Vitamin D Do For Your Body could be useful for the reader everything.
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